I have been placing plants in categories.This list is a personal collection of favourite plants that I find do well in Wairarapa along with  other parts of New Zealand.

It is not meant as a major reference work or a price list.It is not an end in itself.There will be many plants not listed that I have yet to discover or will not work en massed.

I choose plants that will last for many years.Beech & hornbeam & buxus  along with classic bay for hedging.These are the hedges if well maintained will be for future generations.

mine are the “gorgeous plants” and the” classy plants” ( for classy gardens) and” trees” for all sites.Topiary has a category of its own.and plants for shady or wet or hot & boney and all the endless types of soil and sites where we  attempt to plant . will be found in one of the categories.but only if I like it.

My dislike of all native plantings will be obvious…………………….Instant gloom .Little light. dreary .Although some will make the grade.grieslinia,Muelenbeckia,Astelia.some piitosporums and Olearia is superb as a windbreak.

I shudder at the sight of flax.And some grasses.And cabbage trees.They are loved by breeding rats .Best avoid.



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